
Happy Reunions

Over the years we've had some truly amazing stories of lost pets reunited with their owners. These are the stories that keep you going and make you never give up, they are inspirational and we encourage you to read them as they will give you hope when you feel like there is none.

September, 19 2018

Found Cat PIPER


Domestic Short Hair

Our 1 yr. Old calico Piper went missing right before hurricane Florence was due to hit. We were sick. She was gone for 6 days. We just found her last night. We would definitely recommend LostMyKitty. One of the most helpful things to us were the alerts that go out to the shelters. They also sent us a great flyer which we posted EVERYWHERE! We had tons of people looking for her. Thank you for your help.

September, 19 2018

Found Cat Diamond


Oriental Shorthair

We were so glad when we got the phone call that our kitty had been found! Someone had received the Lost Pet "Amber Alert"

September, 11 2018

Found Cat PeeWee



Thank you so much, Lostmykitty.com! Our local vet had told us about your service when we went to report our missing cat. I put up a posting and didn't receive any hits. After 2 months, we assumed all hope was lost and our cat must have fallen victim to local wildlife. But here we are, more than 5 months later, and because your site never took my posting down or deactivated it, we received an email this morning from a vet an hour away. She told us an incredible tale of how our cat was found 1.5 hours north and through a series of amazing events - she'd found us! Your site reunited us and we're beyond thrilled to have our beautiful boy back. Thank you for not automatically removing our posting, thank you for not asking for a single penny for your services, and being such a fantastic resource for heartbroken families. We are so thankful to you and the wonderful vet who found our boy. Please use us as a testimonial - we cannot stop singing your praises to family and friends! -Amanda, Chris, & PeeWee (He is emaciated and missing an ear, but will make a full recovery with time, medication, rest, and love)

August, 29 2018

Found Cat Leo


Lostmykitty.com FOUND my cat! The nice lady who found her said she got the Kitty Amber Alert and that's how she knew to call. Thanks to everyone who helped, and a shout out to the best tip: if you lose your cat, PUT YOUR LAUNDRY OUTSIDE! We're sure that's how she found her way back to civilization. Thanks again for all the help!

August, 28 2018

Found Cat Soybean


Domestic Short Hair

Two days after my cat was lost, I was directed to this site by a vet. I listed my cat and printed out 50 fliers, attaching my number to them. That was totally worth the extra 3 dollars as someone found her three days after the flyer postings and called me directly. I NOW HAVE MY CAT!!!!! SO RELIEVED.

August, 8 2018

Found Cat Polly


Domestic Short Hair

I am SO thankful to Lost My Kitty for the Amber Alert type messages sent out, the texts and emails to Vet offices, pet stores and the like. Also the post on FB was helpful because I received support, prayers and suggestions. While my kitty came home on her own (she must have been stuck in a garage, shed, barn, or somewhere) I am very appreciative of the service Lost My Kitty provides.

July, 27 2018

Found Cat Merlin


American Shorthair

We were frantic when our indoor kitty went missing. A friend recommended your site and through that and many observant eyes, Merlin is home! Thank you and bless you for this wonderful service!

July, 23 2018

Found Cat Kit


American Shorthair

Thank you so much to lost my kitty. You helped reunite me with Kit. I am so grateful. I will certainly recommend this service to anyone with a similar situation. Thank you Josie and Dan for taking him in and protecting him from the rain. Thank You!!

July, 21 2018

Found Cat Gigi


Domestic Long Hair

My second kitty is home after espcaping out of her crate while packing to go to the vet! LostMyKitty was so helpful in posting Alert. These people are the BEST. Do not hesitate to use their services if your dog or cat is missing????

July, 19 2018

Found Cat Sid


Domestic Medium Hair

I'm very happy with the service Lost My Kitty provided. As a result of the phone messages they sent, I received several calls with possible sightings. Their actions gave me hope. I posted the flyer to social media and would've printed tons to pass out. Thankfully Sid is home now. I'm very happy with the service I received.

July, 15 2018

Found Cat Grace



WOW! With LostMyKitty.com's faxing service I was able to connect with a local vet who helped me spread the word even further through online forums and Facebook groups. We found our little Grace in 10 hours. This service is not only effective but helped me feel confident that, if we didn't find her, she'd be safely returned to her home.

July, 12 2018

Found Cat Pumpkin


Pumpkin was missing for five days. Two days after the automated calls went out from lostmykitty.com, a neighbor in the next street over from mine, spotted pumpkin and called me right away. If it wasn’t for the missing cat alerts, she may still be lost. Thank you to lostmykitty.com for providing such an excellent service!!

June, 27 2018

Found Cat Cero


Domestic Short Hair

Thank you so much for the wonderful job you are all doing by helping us pet parents, reunite with our furbabies. God bless you all for the hope He sends us through your website. I will 100% recommend your website!

June, 20 2018

Found Cat Begemot



Our cat was trapped in neighbors garage for two days, the phone alert helped as people talked and shared info about lost cat, so neighbors recall and relate found cat to us.

June, 5 2018

Found Cat Bandit



We are so grateful for all the help from the people that use this site. I can't tell you how happy we are that Bandit is back~~