
Happy Reunions

Over the years we've had some truly amazing stories of lost pets reunited with their owners. These are the stories that keep you going and make you never give up, they are inspirational and we encourage you to read them as they will give you hope when you feel like there is none.

October, 18 2014



So many members of my community told me they'd gotten the recorded phone call about Dusty. I know it helped keep her fresh on their minds. What a wonderful service. Dusty is back home after being spotted by several neighbors on a nearby street. They called me right away. One of them said to me, "You advertise well!" Thank you so much, lostmykitty.com!

October, 14 2014



I love this site! it helped me so much! I found both of my cats! and recommended it to everyone! I even notified the Animal Control here in town about it! I hope everyone starts using it! THIS SITE IS GREAT! Thank you So MUCH!!!

October, 1 2014



By using LostMyKitty, many of our neighbors were quickly informed and helped us to track the location of our Tuxxie. We knew he was safe and close to home and were able to bring him back at just the right moment!

September, 3 2014


Domestic Medium Hair

My Houdini was missing for 18 days and I honestly thought I would never see him again. In the end it was one of the Lost My Kitty flyers that we handed out to our neighbors that made the difference. He's a few pounds lighter and looking pretty worn out but he was so happy to be home and I am beyond words for how happy I am to have him back in my arms. Don't give up hope! It was the testimonials of those who had found their cats weeks and even months after losing them that gave me a small bit of hope that Houdini might come back to me. I would encourage you to personally hand out flyers to your neighbors. It makes it more personal than a phone call or email and in the end that's what helped get my kitty back to me. Best of luck!

July, 7 2014


Domestic Short Hair

Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!! The phone calls to neighbors in the next subdivision, helped me locate my Stoli!! I would never have thought to look there, if someone hadn't received a call and notified me that he had spotted him earlier. Worth every penny!!

July, 4 2014



Thank you so very, very much for helping us find our kitty! A flyer was put up at a vet's office and the wonderful woman who took him in for us called us and we are happily reunited:))) this is also an absolute miracle as he was missing for 3 months. Thank you again so much for making our family whole again!:)))

May, 30 2014


Our naughty cat got out one week ago. Thank you to LostMyKitty for quickly sending out the lost cat phone alert! We spoke to many people, who indeed got the phone calll. We distributed the flyer you generated and got two phone calls about sightings, which provided us much relief. After a few days, the neighbors saw him hiding in the hedges. Today, we were able to catch him. We are happy to have Tripod again and hope that his week of adventure helps him to appreciate the comforts of home!

May, 29 2014


Domestic Short Hair

After 19 days and using the phone service Franklin is back home. If it was not for the lost pet alert Franklin would not be with me today! Thank you lostmykitty.com!!! You get a double thumbs up from me forever!!!!!

May, 14 2014


Domestic Short Hair

Thank you so much for your helpful services. I was able to quickly get the word out on my missing cat by your phone calls to neighbors, fliers, and email and fax service. Your other tips were helpful as well. It was very comforting to know that I was doing all that I possibly could to locate her.

April, 20 2014


Domestic Medium Hair

My little sweet heart was a block away from home hiding inside of an RV. Lostmykitty.com helped me alot by getting me started with the flyers.

March, 22 2014


Domestic Long Hair

We were reunited with Henry within 2 hours of the phone alert going out. Thanks so much for your help!

February, 26 2014



The site automatically generates a Missing flyer with the information you provide, and I had them up on my neighbors' doors within hours of the cat going missing. Before noon the next day, a neigbor called and said, "I think I have your cat!". He did indeed have little Frank, and he knew who to call because his son saw the flyer that morning on his way out the door. Very well-designed flyer, and very effective. Thank you!!

February, 23 2014


Domestic Long Hair

This is a great service! It helped me to get the word out about my lost pet fast and make a lost flyer in a matter of seconds! Thanks LostMyKitty.com! A Grateful Owner now reunited with my beloved pet cat, Beau!

January, 20 2014


Devon Rex

My cat, Miles, was found by a neighbor three blocks away after being lost for three long days and nights. It was a very Happy New Year present for all of us. Thanks to your calls, I had people offering to help me search for him. He is a tiny hairless Devon Rex with no claws. It was a miracle that he survived as he was defenseless, cold and hungry. You provide a wonderful service and I thank you very much.

January, 14 2014



When our furry baby boy Simon went missing I was so distraught! I knew to call all the vets, animal control, humane societies, rescue groups, hang posters and go door to door but when I had no luck right away I found your website: lostmykitty.com. I was so happy how fast his story got posted and the phone calls went out to my neighbors and the faxed and emails to all the vets, clinics etc. All with a few hours the word got out to my neighbors. I would use this service in a heartbeat! My family is so grateful for a service like this since the cold weather kept us from really getting out and speaking to all our neighbors. Thank you, Thank You, Thank You! The Grant Family Durham CT